About Us
Wine and Grape Trading UK was setup by Defined Wine Ltd in 2021 to connect grape growers, winemakers and brands.
Other wine regions all have easy ways for trading grapes and bulk wine, which growers and wineries can use to help manage their cashflow and stock. We felt something similar was needed in the UK to help the sector grow.
Defined Wine Ltd is a contract only winery (with no vineyards or brands of its own), providing a full range of laboratory and winemaking services.
Please contact us if you have any suggestions or ideas to share.
Henry and Nick
CEO and Head Winemaker, Defined Wine Ltd

How it works
Selling grapes or wine
If you have grapes or wine for sale then:
- Register your details (so that people can contact you).
- Provide details of the grapes or wine you have to sell. The more detail you provide, the more it will help people looking. Please note there is a small fee (£10 incl VAT) for each listing
- Sit back and wait for people to get in touch. Anyone who is interested will contact you via the website, so your name, vineyard and contact details won’t be visible.
When you receive an expression of interest, it will come with the contact details of the person, allowing you to communicate directly with them on details, price, logistics etc.
Listings will expire after 6 months or you can delete your listing by logging into your account
Buying grapes or wine
You can browse through grapes and wines for sale. If you you see a listing of grapes or wine that you are interested in buying then:
- Click on the item you are interested in.
- You will be asked to register your details and an email will then be generated to the seller, which you can amend before sending.
- The seller will then get back to you.
It will be up to the seller to decide whether to come back to you. There is no fee or commission for using this service.
Grapes or wine wanted
If you want to buy grapes or wine then:
- Register your details (so that people can contact you).
- Provide details of the grapes or wine you are after. The more detail you provide, the more it will help people looking. Please note there is a small fee (£10 incl VAT) for each listing
- Sit back and wait for people to get in touch. Anyone who is interested will contact you via the website, so your details won’t be visible.
When you receive an expression of interest, it will come with the contact details of the person, allowing you to communicate directly with them on details, price, logistics etc.
Listings will expire after 6 months or you can delete your listing by logging into your account
FAQ – general
So that people can contact you.
Your name and email address only. You can find our Privacy policy here.
No one will see your contact details when you post a listing, nor when they respond to a listing. It is therefore entirely up to you whether to reply to the enquiries you receive – at which point people will see your contact details. If you don’t want people to discover who is selling/buying grapes or wine, then you can ask a third party to act on your behalf. Please contact us
Log into your account and you can delete your listings. If you have sold/found part of your grapes/wine, then you will have to delete the listing and post a new one, it is not possible to edit listings after they go live. If you have made a mistake when posting please contact us
It is entirely up to the person who created the listing to decide whether to get back to all individuals who contact them.
We will not share or use your contact details for any purpose other than to generate emails to those posting listings or to update you about the website. We can see the registration details of those listing in case we need to contact them. Our Privacy Policy is here
Yes. Head to the ‘Login/Create and account’ page and navigate to your dashboard. From here you can sign up to alerts you want to receive. This is free and will last for 3 months after which you will have to renew. You can change the alerts you receive, although please note you will have to delete existing alerts first.
Yes. This trading platform has been created by the team at Defined Wine Ltd but in order to keep our activities clear we have chosen a separate site and name for this activity.
Yes! Please contact us.
FAQ – grape sales
This is something to discuss with the seller. You could ask a number of companies and individuals who provide viticulture services to act as a scouting service or advise you.
This is up to both parties to decide.
Usually the price includes harvest costsand transport to the winery but this is up to both parties to decide.
You only pay to post a listing (£10 incl VAT) – there is no commission. All other costs are up to the buyer and seller to agree. The listing will last for 6 months, or until you delete it.
FAQ – wines
You should always ask the seller for a detailed lab analysis and to send you a sample.
This is up to the seller to decide.
You can send a sample to any lab – please contact us if you want the lab at Defined Wine Ltd to carry out an analysis.
This is up to the seller.
This is up to both parties to decide.
This is up to both parties to decide.
Defined Wine Ltd provide a full range of winemaking services, including bottling, disgorging, labelling and storage. Please contact us
You only pay to post a listing (£10 incl VAT) – there is no commission. All other costs are up to the buyer and seller to agree. The listing will last for 6 months, or until you delete it.